Monday, February 7, 2011


Hey guys,

Hope the weekend went well. For Dhruv & his team, I think it must have been the best end to a Monday which no student, no working professional, not many people in this world are anticipating or excited about. I must admit, Dhruv & his team were the coolest bunch of people I have met so far in Bangalore. Brimming with energy,enthusiasm and a lot of fun. I am surprised they have never experienced adventure sports   (Reminder but they have had a tryst with Paintball which made it even more exciting. Dhruv unfortunately got "out" or shot really fast in the first game. He will be cursing me as there are hardly any pics of himself, considering he was the co-ordinator, thats a sin committed by me, please forgive. The highlight of the first game was the 2 against 1 ganging up. Raghu being the victim, giving in a good fight but it just seemed unfair, he lost. The 2nd game was much more competitive, so competitive that none of them were willing to get shot. Loads of movement, strategy and the only way for them to get out of the game was by finishing their pellets and the sunset played the villain. Less people more fun doesn't really apply to a game such as Paintball. Though they were few in numbers, they made a real fight out of it. Hope they continue playing the real game! And with more people next time. This was a real paintball team! Kudos to you guys! 

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